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SYSGO Day Moscow Avionics Certification

SYSGO Day 2017 in Moscow on Software Certification for Avionics

Events & Webcasts, Avionics & Defense

Civilian avionics related software requires internationally approved DO-178C certifications.

End of October we had the chance to discuss with our Russian customers and prospects, which role our PikeOS Hypervisor and real-time OS can play in such a certification process. Leveraging the fact that we have native Russian language speakers at SYSGO, we were able to explain the benefit of using a certifiable software platform that already comes with most of the artifacts and documentation needed for the different DAL levels (DO-178C Certification Kit).

We learned that within the Russian avionics industry there is an increasing interest in using the ARM processor technology – partly on local Russian ARM hardware.

Thanks to our Russian distributor AVD Systems for having organized the event!