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SYSGO @ Automotive Computing Conference (ACC) 2023

Events & Webcasts, Automotive

SYSGO was curious to visit the 5th International Automotive Computing Conference (ACC) held in Frankfurt from November 14 to 15, 2023. The event provided a dynamic platform to learn more about the latest trends, engage in discussions, and connect with industry leaders shaping the future of automotive computing.

The ACC 2023 created an atmosphere filled with excitement and energy. Engaging discussions revolved around cutting-edge topics, including software-defined vehicles, zone-based architectures, hardware and software components, chiplets, and semiconductor technologies. The event served as a good networking platform, providing opportunities for collaboration and connection within the rapidly evolving field of automotive computing. The enthusiasm of conference participants, coupled with active contributions and insightful discussions, created a shared sense of excitement for the future of automotive computing that persisted until the very end.

Market Trends 

SYSGO had an eye on significant trends shaping the automotive market. Some of these include:

  1. Android as a dominant OS Component
    The growing importance of entertainment systems is making Android a powerful component of OS architecture in vehicles.
  2. Transition to High-Power SoCs
    The industry is moving from separate MCUs to high-power SoCs, emphasizing High-Performance Computing (HPC) and accelerating autonomous vehicle development.
  3. Evolution in HW Car Architecture
    The shift from domain/distributed to zone-based car architecture is becoming prominent.
  4. Integration of HW and SW Vendors
    ARM advocates for unity among hardware and software vendors to advance to the next technological stage, driven by increasing customer demand.
  5. Memory Issues Due to Programming Errors
    Serious memory issues may occur in automotive systems due to incorrect programming practices.
  6. Digital Twins: 
    The concept of "Digital Twins" was highlighted, allowing developers to commence work in a simulated environment before the System-on-Chip (SoC) comes to the market. This approach accelerates the development and certification process.
  7. Agile Techniques Over Waterfall Model
    Agile techniques are gaining popularity in project management, signalling a shift away from the traditional waterfall model.
  8. Growing Importance of OS Hypervisor Technology
    With the industry transitioning to high-power SoCs, OS Hypervisor technology is becoming increasingly crucial for managing complex computing environments in automotive systems.


The ACC 2023 provided valuable insights, strengthened connections, and positioned SYSGO at the forefront of automotive computing advancements. Additionally, the event presents an exciting prospect for continued engagement and collaboration in the automotive computing landscape. SYSGO looks forward to supporting the automotive computing community, driving innovation and progress in this dynamic field.

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