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ILA Berlin Aerospace

SYSGO joins Panel Discussion at ILA on secure embedded Systems

Events & Webcasts, Avionics & Defense

We are proud to have joined the ILA Berlin with participation of high level German Bundeswehr cyber security specialists and industry experts.

SYSGO joined a panel discussion showing that modern embedded defense systems are – following the market trend – getting more and more complex, feature rich, consolidated and connected. At the same time, they have to stay safe in terms of functionality, mission oriented and secure against cyber attacks. Being one of the panelists I explained how SYSGO’s RTOS and Hypervisor PikeOS can help to meet the challenges of cyber security in embedded systems.

All panelists raised the need of security by design, so that vulnerabilities and thread vector are foreseen and get preventable since the creation of the first architecture proposals. Software updates and patches will need to keep the system up to date. But for defense systems being in the market for 30 years this is not an easy process, given that technology evolves faster and faster.

The only way is to standardize the hardware, gateway, sensors and actuators so that the software updates can keep the system mission-ready.

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