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PROXIMA European Cluster Workshop

SYSGO @ European Mixed-Criticality Cluster Workshop

Events & Webcasts, PikeOS, R&T Projects

As a member of the PROXIMA project, SYSGO was invited to the European Mixed-Criticality Cluster Workshop in Barcelona on November 22, 2016. This event was hosted by BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) and gathered more than 100 people from both the industry and academics. This cluster initiated by the European Commission is addressing one of the most critical challenge that the embedded industry is facing: a multitude of functionalities with potentially different criticality levels into a single system that becomes a growing trend in all safety oriented market segments. The challenge is even bigger with the need to use multi-core architectures and address in parallel new security issues. All these technological challenges are today addressed by SYSGO and its certified PikeOS product.

Francis Vatrinet, Project Manager at SYSGO, showed the industrial strength of PikeOS to tackle these challenges. European Commission representatives present in the workshop were quite impressed by most of the presentations made by the participants, and especially by PikeOS which is the key technology component of the PROXIMA project.
A very interesting and fruitful event!

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