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SYSGO attending DDESC 2022 in Prague

Events & Webcasts, PikeOS, Industrial Automation, IoT, Safety

From 6 - 8th April 2022, we participated at the 25th International Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems (DDESC 2022) conference and gave a talk about insights of SYSGO's technologies and R&T which was warmly appreciated by the visitors.

We got into contact with representatives of the Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), the University of Bristol (UK) and explored options of joined researched projects. For example, we talked about possible applications of PikeOS in the robotics domain, which concluded in inviting us to visit the research group to explore the technology options in greater detail in their laboratories. Thus, PikeOS could become applied in robots for agricultural use cases, like automated electrocutting of undesired weed, leading to an increase in crop yields and reduce the use of chemicals for weed removal. An RTOS could be a big help in general when talking about robots and automatization. 

Another practical subject could be maintenance work in toxic or radiated conditions, where the environment poses a serious threat to the health of people and can even lead to their death. Robots could take over human work here, like monitoring, remote inspections or doing manual labor such as movement of subjects or opening doors. Just imagine when a house is on fire how robots could get inside, check the situation and possibly even rescue people and fight the fire. Electronics in these domains would have to work under extreme conditions and may fail frequently. As a consequence, additional reliability mechanisms would need to be set in place.

On top of that, we were engaged in discussions with other commercial conference partners trying to find synergies to our products and interests.

We are looking forward to all the follow-ups more interesting talks like these.

More information also here:


SYSGO DDESC Presentation



